Sunday, 19 June 2011

First and last

As promised, here is a blurb on some of the food I ate in Bali.
I think in my previous life, I must've been some type of Asian. I ate Asian food non-stop for a week and loved it. Club Med in Bali must have one of the best Asian buffets in the world. You can choose from Chinese, Japanese, Balinese, Indonesian and Korean food at every meal.
The first lunch I had in Bali was stingray accompanied by Balinese wine. The stingray was good. The wine, not so much. I also had jackfruit stew. I first ate raw jackfruit in Vietnam and didn't know you could turn it into a savoury meal. Cooked jackfruit looks like shredded chicken.
This is a photo of one of my last breakfast in Bali. It is kimchi fried rice, a salted duck egg, a century egg (the black one) and sugared banana. It took me the whole week to pluck up the courage to have the century egg. Unlike what it's name suggests, the egg isn't 100 years old. It is made by preserving duck, chicken or quail eggs in a mixture of clay, ash, salt, lime and rice hulls for several weeks or even months! Still a long time. This process makes the yolk dark and creamy. The egg white goes dark, translucent and jelly like. The egg is supposed to be accompanied by a smell of sulphur and ammonia which I didn't smell this when I had it, thankfully.

1 comment:

  1. BD:
    I also just recently went to Bali !
    What an experience !:) I think your blog is great and I love what you are doing :)
    Your courage has paid off- trailing inspiration in its path <3
    Christy C
