Over the last month I spent some time at our family holiday home on the South Coast in a little coastal village called Southbroom (it’s worth having a look on Google Earth if you are not from South Africa). It is one place where I am my happiest.
It was a quiet break but there was lots of company. The entire population of Southbroom’s Vervet monkeys descended on the house around 3pm every afternoon, causing chaos, trying to get inside to the fruit bowl, scampering over the roof tiles, hurling themselves from branch to electricity pole and back and squealing with delight at the feel of the glass table under their little monkey hands.
Every time I looked at the ocean, I could see at least two schools of whales spurting water, launching into the air and crashing down onto the glass smooth ocean. Sometimes, a school would come in close to the shore line and you could see them clearly through binoculars racing through the water.
Lastly, Southbroom has unfortunately become overrun with dassies (Rock Hyrax). They however provided endless amusement on my walks. There was the fatty in the drain on Beach Road who could barely get through the gap between the road and the pavement. There was the family near Granny Beach that suntanned lazily in a row on a ledge. There was always a big one perched (yes, bird like) on top of the roof of an empty cottage. And finally, there was the group that climbed trees. Who would have thought that dumpy dassies were so agile?